Logo Startup Ecosystem Universität Hamburg

Note on accessibility

Universität Hamburg seeks to make its website, www.startup-ecosystem.blogs.uni-hamburg.de accessible to people with disabilities. This process is based on the Hamburg act on equal treatment for disabled persons (Hamburgisches Gesetz zur Gleichstellung behinderter Menschen, HmbGGbM) and the ordinance on barrier-free information technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV 2.0).


Status of compatibility with the requirements

The website is already well-designed for all users in many areas. Currently, however, the website is not yet completely BITV-compliant. The requirements are to be taken into account as part of a technical revision of the website. The BITV-Test-Prüfverbund, an independent network of accessibility auditing organizations, is evaluating our webpage in July 2022. We will publish the results as soon as they become available to us.


The content listed below is not entirely accessible:

– The web application feature Google Maps is not accessible. However, this feature is optional as we provide an alternative, accessible overview of our listings on the webpage. 

– PDF files provided on this website may not be accessible. 

– External documents to which links are provided may not be accessible. 

This note was written on 04.05.2022


If you notice any faults in the accessible design of  www.startup-ecosystem.blogs.uni-hamburg.de, contact the section Digital Communication and Design of Universität Hamburg:

Universität Hamburg
Management Transfer Lab
Moorweidenstraße 18
20148 Hamburg

Tel: +49 40 42838-8721
E-mail: exist.bwl@uni-hamburg.de

Arbitration procedure

If no satisfactory solution has been found even after your feedback to the above contact, you can turn to the conciliation board according to section 13 a HmbBGG. The conciliation board has the task to support an out-of-court dispute resolution in case of conflicts on the topic of accessibility between people with disabilities and public authorities. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. No legal counsel needs to be involved.

At present, the ombudsman’s office of the Senate Chancellery takes over the activities of the conciliation office, which is yet to be established.


E-mail: ombudsstelle.barrierefreie-it@sk.hamburg.de
Telephone consultation hours
Tel: +49 40 42823 2057
Mo.: 10.00 – 11.00 a.m.